Only a little is known about Staff-Sergt. Moss. He was a prize winner in the British Army Gymnastics
Competition in 1900. Later, like many others of his kind, he became a Music Hall Strongman.
After retiring from the stage he sold a postal course on Physical Culture and wrote a series of
books on different aspects of Gymnastics. These appear to have been written around the time
of the Great War but were in print for many years after.

In 1902 he was a contender in the British preliminaries for Bernarr Macfadden's 'Best & Most
Perfectly Developed Man' competition which was held both in the UK and the US. He was however
disqualified for being 'heavily tatooed' but was considered by some writers of the time to have
been as good as and uniformly bigger than the ultimate winner, Al Treloar.

The Handbook of Free Gymnastics (including Swedish System) & Dumb-Bell Exercises.

Date unknown but probably circa 1912

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